
Bullet Ballistics combines the accuracy of hit-scan based systems, with the realistic bullet drop of rigidbody based projectiles, and additionally includes air resistance in its ballistics simulation.

It has been built from the ground up with performance in mind, making full use of multithreading utilizing unity's job system and burst compiler. While also minimizing runtime garbage collection allocations wherever possible.

Another main development goal was creating customizable interfaces to the core ballistics simulation, allowing for custom bullet rendering, material interactions, and impact handling.

All together, Bullet Ballistics empowers you to simulate hundreds to thousands of physically accurate projectiles in your games simultaneously without a hustle.

Required Unity Packages

  • Unity.Burst
  • Unity.Mathematics


  • Ballistics Simulation
    • Gravity / Bullet Drop
    • Air Resistance
    • Wind
    • Magnus Effect (Bullet Spin)
    • Weapon Zeroing + Reticle Generation
    • Trajectory Visualization
  • Material Interactions
    • Object Penetration
    • Ricochets
  • High Performance
    • Multi-Threading
    • Minimal Runtime GC Allocations
    • Batched Projectile Rendering
    • Object Pooling
  • Customizability
    • Bullet Rendering
    • Impact Handling
    • Material Interactions
  • Clear Custom Inspectors
    • Physical Unit Selection (metric/imperial)

Technical Details

The ballistics simulation is completely independent of the visual projectiles in the game. This allows for a lot of customizability in the way the bullets are rendered: basic prefab instances, GPU instancing, custom renderer? Your choice! This also makes Bullet Ballistics inherently independent of the Rendering Pipeline you target.

Internally, Bullet Ballistics uses a numerical approximation to simulate the ballistic trajectory. For collision detection, a raycast is fired between the last two simulated positions of a given projectile. All ballistics processing is automatically batched using unity's RaycastCommand API and job system for optimal performance.


Bullet Ballistics does (currently) not support ballistic effects like spin drift, coriolis force, magnus effect, or similar, as they only affect very long range projectiles, and are usually negligible for normal game scenarios. Feel free to contact me with any feature requests!

Getting Started

Check out the included example scene in the Ballistics/Example/ folder.

Minimal Setup

  • create a Assets/Create/Ballistics/Ballistic Settings object in your project folder
  • add an empty game object to your scene and attach a Environment Provider component to it
    • assign the Ballistic Settings object you have created before
  • attach a Weapon component to a weapon in your scene
    • assign a transform at the end of the weapon barrel as the Bullet Spawn Point (z-axis pointing forward)
    • create a Assets/Create/Ballistics/Bullet Info object in your project folder
    • assign this Bullet Info object in the Weapon component
  • calling Shoot() on the Weapon component will fire a bullet (you can use the Simple Weapon Input component, to shoot when clicking the left mouse button)

Note! As so far no impact handler or visual bullet provider is set up, you will NOT see the bullet or any impacts!

Visual Bullet Provider

Bullet Ballistics separates the ballistics simulation from the visual projectiles flying through the scene. This allows to optimize the rendering when thousands of projectiles are active simultaneously, and allows you to customize the rendering to your needs.

  • create a Assets/Create/Ballistics/Visual Bullet Providers/Pooled Bullet Provider object, and assign a bullet prefab with a Pooled Bullet component attached
  • assign the new Pooled Bullet Provider object to the Visual Bullet Provider field of your weapon

You should now be able to see the bullet prefab when shooting the weapon.

Impact Handler

Similar to the Visual Bullet Provider the Impact Handler allows you to customize what should happen on a projectile impact.

  • create a Assets/Create/Ballistics/Impact Handler/Generic Impact Handler object in your project folder
    • assign the impact handler object to the Global Impact Handler field of your Environment Provider component
  • enabling Handle Rigidbody Forces should cause rigidbodies to be affected by projectile impacts
  • adding a audio clip to the Impact Sounds list, will cause an impact sound at any impact of a projectile with the scene

Ballistic Materials

Ballistic Material define how a projectile will behave when interacting with a collider.

  • create a Assets/Create/Ballistic/Ballistic Material object in your project folder
    • a Ballistic Material is a unity Physic Material with an associated Ballistic Material object
    • you can promote/demote a Physic Material to/from a Ballistic Material by right-clicking the Physic Material and selecting Assets/Create/Ballistics/To BallisticMaterial / Unlink BallisticMaterial
  • assign a Ballistic Material to a collider by setting the Material field of the collider to a Physic Material associated with a Ballistic Material object
  • by change the properties of the Ballistic Material to alter the bullet interactions

For more information on each of these topics check out the following chapters.

Ballistics Configuration

Bullet Ballistics allows you to disable parts of its functionality you do not need, in order to optimize performance for your use case.

Navigate to Window/Ballistics/Ballistic Config to open the configuration window. There you can select which features you want to disable for which build target. Do not forget to hit Apply to apply the changes.

Scripting Define Symbols

The configuration window is just a convenience utility for setting compiler define symbols. You can also set them manually under Project Settings/Player/Other Settings/Script Compilation.

Currently supported define symbols:

  • BB_NO_AIR_RESISTANCE: disable drag force on projectiles
  • BB_NO_SPIN: disable forces due to bullet spin (depends on air resistance)
  • BB_NO_DISTANCE_TRACKING: disable tracking the distance a bullet has traveled

Visual Bullet Provider

A Visual Bullet Provider is just a scriptable object, with a GetVisualBullet() method, which returns a new IVisualBullet.

public abstract class VisualBulletProviderObject : InitializableScriptableObject
    public abstract IVisualBullet GetVisualBullet();

The IVisualBullet interface consists of:

public interface IVisualBullet
    void InitializeBullet(in BulletPose pose, in float3 visualOffset);  // start of ballistic simulation
    void UpdateBullet(in BulletPose pose);                              // pose update, each simulation cycle
    void DestroyBullet();                                               // bullet has been destroyed (stopped or timeout)          

The visualOffset argument of InitializeBullet() will be explained further in the chapter about the Weapon component.

The Visual Bullet Provider adds a layer of abstraction between the simulation and the rendering. This allows switching between rendering strategies easily.

For example, the Pooled Bullet Provider uses basic prefab instanciation for rendering the visual bullet (+ pooling instead of destroying bullets, to minimize garbage collection overhead).

Switching the visual bullet of a Weapon to the Tracer Bullet Provider can be done, by simply replacing the Visual Bullet Provider of the Weapon component. The Tracer Bullet Provider draws bullets, by rendering a trail between the last three bullet positions. The Tracer Bullet Provider can render bullets very efficiently, as it is able to combine ~10.000 bullets into a single draw call.

With this flexibility it is very easy to create your own Visual Bullet Providers which fit your game's requirements optimally!

Impact Handler

Similar to a Visual Bullet Provider a Impact Handler is also a scriptable object, which adds a layer of abstraction between the ballistic simulation and the rest of your game.

public abstract class ImpactHandlerObject : InitializableScriptableObject, IImpactHandler
    public abstract HandledFlags HandleSurfaceInteraction(in SurfaceInteractionInfo impact, HandledFlags flags);
    public abstract HandledFlags HandleImpact(in ImpactInfo impact, HandledFlags flags);
  • HandleSurfaceInteraction is called whenever a projectile first enters, ricochets, exits, or stops inside of a collider
  • HandleImpact is called when a projectile penetrates a collider

Similar to the Pooled Bullet Provider the Pooled Impact Instantiator instantiates a prefab with an attached Impact Object component at a surface interaction (and pooles the instantiated prefabs).

Alternatively, the Generic Impact Handler provides default handling for rigidbody interactions, a damage system, and audio effects.

Chain Of Responsibility

As some bullet interactions might be specific to the bullet, material, or collider, the Impact Handler system is structured hierarchically.

The Bullet Info, Ballistic Material, Environemnt Provider, and collider can each provide an Impact Handler. When a bullet hits a collider the impact handlers are called (if present) in this order:

  • Bullet Info specific Impact Handler
  • Ballistic Material specific Impact Handler
  • global impact handler provided by the Environment Provider

The collider specific Impact Handler is not called by default, as this requires a GetComponent call! You can query for a collider specific Impact Handler inside any of the above impact handling stages, by trying to get a component inheriting the IImpactHandler interface and calling the specific handler.

When collider specific a Impact Handler is needed globally, you can use a Generic Impact Handler as the global Impact Handler, and enable CheckForPerColliderHandler.

At each step of the Impact Handler chain you receive the HandledFlags of the previous handlers, and can return which flags have been handled by the current handler. This allows, for example, a bullet impact handler to override the bullet hole prefab of the global impact handler, or a material impact handler to alter the impact sound effect.

Impact Info

public readonly struct SurfaceInteractionInfo
    public enum InteractionType
    public readonly InteractionType Type;
    public readonly RaycastHit HitInfo;
    public readonly float3 Velocity;
    public readonly float SpreadAngle;
    public readonly float SpeedFactor;      // percentage of speed lost on ricochet
    public readonly BulletInfo BulletInfo;
    public readonly Weapon Weapon;

public readonly struct ImpactInfo
    public readonly RaycastHit HitInfo;
    public readonly float3 EntryVelocity;
    public readonly float ImpactDepth;
    public readonly float EnergyLossPerUnit;
    public readonly BulletInfo BulletInfo;
    public readonly Weapon Weapon;

Environment Provider

Each scene using Bullet Ballistics should have a single game object with a Environment Provider component attached.

The Environment Provider configures the ballistic simulation setting for the current scene. Including:

  • Ballistic Settings
  • Wind Velocity
  • Global Impact Handler
  • Bullet Path Debugging (Editor only)

In theory these settings can also be adjusted manually in the static Ballistics.Core class. The Environment Provider automatically configures the Ballistics.Core on startup/ scene change.

The fields of the Environment Provider will be explained further in the respective chapters.


The Weapon component is usually the main entry-point for interacting with the ballistics simulation.

It is mainly just a convenience component, that allows you to combine a Bullet Info, Visual Bullet Provider, and spawn point transform, so you only have to call Weapon.Shoot() to fire a bullet.

Visual vs. Bullet Spawn Point

The Weapon component exposes two spawn point transforms, the Bullet Spawn Point and Visual Spawn Point.

  • Bullet Spawn Point is the position used for the internal ballistics simulation and collision detection (z-axis of the transform pointing forward)
  • Visual Spawn Point provides the initial position for the Visual Bullet (if present)

This distinction is often useful for first person shooter games, because the hit detection should usually originate from the center of the camera, while the visual bullet representation should appear to originate at the end of the weapon's barrel.

This obviously causes a discrepancy between the visual bullet and the internal hit detection. To mitigate this offset, Bullet Ballistics automatically moves the visual bullet position towards the internal bullet position over a given distance set in the BallisticSettings Visual To Physical Distance.

Manually Queuing Bullets

Internally, Weapon.Shoot() calls Ballistics.Core.AddBullet() with a new BulletInstance.

public readonly struct BulletInstance
    public readonly Weapon Weapon;
    public readonly Vector3 Position;
    public readonly Vector3 Direction;
    public readonly BulletInfo Info;
    public readonly IVisualBullet Projectile;

You can also manually add bullets to the ballistics simulation using Ballistics.Core.AddBullet() at any point. Note however, that AddBullet() just queues bullets for processing, so the ballistics calculations can be batched together with all other active bullets.

Queued bullet instances are added to the simulation just after the main Update() loop. So all bullets queued after Update() (e.g. LateUpdate()) will not be processed until the next frame.

Zeroing Crosshair Generator

Due to bullet drop when gravity is enabled, bullets will hit below where you have aimed. To correct for this, you have to aim above your target.

Given a Weapon and a set of distances, this component will generate and draw reticle 'dots' for hitting targets at the given distances.

The other fields of this component allow you to specify the appearance of the generated indicator mesh. You can use this generated mesh directly, or use it as a template for drawing a custom reticle with the proper offsets in an image creation program of your choice.

Weapon Controller

The Weapon Controller component is a convenience wrapper around a basic Weapon component.

It allows your Weapon to behave like one of the most common weapon types (Full Auto, Single Shot, Shotgun, or Burst). You only have to pull/release the trigger using:

WeaponController.SetTrigger(bool held);

It also allows you to add basic spread and bullet management.


The Weapon Controller also includes zeroing the weapon, to counteract bullet drop caused by gravity for a given distance.

Specify the Distances you want to be able to zero your weapon at, and set the CurrentZeroingIndex. Note! when updating the Weapon/Bullet Info or Distances at runtime, you have to call UpdateZeroing(), to recalculate the zeroing angles.

The Weapon Controller simply angles the bullet's shoot direction slightly upwards to hit targets further away.

Spread Controller

public class SpreadController : MonoBehaviour
    public virtual Vector3 CalculateShootDirection(Weapon weapon) { return weapon.BulletSpawnPoint.forward; }
    public virtual void BulletFired() { }

CalculateShootDirection is called for every bullet fired by the weapon and specifies in which direction it is fired. BulletFired is called by the WeaponController each time is shoots (regardless of the number of bullets fired in the single shot). This can be used for e.g. increasing the spread angle of following bullets.

As an example for a custom spray controller, Default Spread Controller implements a Counter-Strike-style spray pattern controller, where you can specify the spray pattern via unity's Animation Curves.

Magazine Controller

public class MagazineController : MonoBehaviour
    public virtual bool IsBulletAvailable() { return true; }
    public virtual void BulletFired() { }

The Magazine Controller is queried each time before the Weapon Controller is fired, to check if IsBulletAvailable().

DefaultMagazineController implements a very basic magazine based bullet management.

Ballistic Material

A Ballistic Material specifies how a projectile interacts with a collider.

Custom Ballistic Materials can be created by implementing the IBallisticMaterial interface, and associating them with a Physic Material at runtime, by adding them to the BallisticMaterialCache.

However, for must cases it will be sufficient to create a Ballistic Material scriptable object via Assets/Create/Ballistics/Ballistic Material. These will be associated with a Physic Material automatically.

public interface IBallisticMaterial
    MaterialImpact HandleImpact(in float3 velocity, BulletInfo info, in RaycastHit rayHit);
    float GetEnergyLossPerUnit();
    float GetSpreadAngle();
    IImpactHandler GetImpactHandler();

Combining Ballistic Materials with unity's Physic Materials has the advantage that unity directly provides the Physic Material of the hit collider from a raycast query, so no GetComponent call to something like a Ballistic Material Provider component on the object is required, which would come with a performance impact.

The main method of the IBallisticMaterial interface is HandleImpact. It provides all the available information about the impact, and the Ballistic Material decides how the projectile should continue, by returning a MaterialImpact struct.

public readonly struct MaterialImpact
    public enum Result
    public readonly Result ImpactResult;
    public readonly float SpreadAngle;
    public readonly float SpeedFactor;

The bullet can either be stopped right away, be reflected (ricochet), or penetrate (enter) the collider. The SpeedFactor is multiplied with the current bullet velocity to result in the new bullet velocity.

The SpreadAngle only applies to Ricochet bullets. When a bullet penetrates a collider, the spread is applied on the exit and is determined by the GetSpreadAngle method.

For additional information about the Ballistic Material object fields, please refer to the inspector tooltips.

Ballistic Material Browser

For an easy overview over all Ballistic Materials in your project, open the Window/Ballistics/Ballistic Material Browser editor window.

Ballistic Settings

The Ballistic Settings object exposes parameters for adjusting the internal ballistics simulation. To bind a Ballistic Settings object to a given scene, use an Environment Provider component.

Create a new Ballistic Settings object under Assets/Create/Ballistics/Ballistic Settings.

Alternatively, you have direct access to the simulations settings via the static Ballistics.Core class. Make sure you call Ballistics.Core.UpdateEnvironment(), after changing the simulation settings, to rebuild the Ballistics.Environment used by the internal simulation jobs.

For additional information about the Ballistic Settings object fields, please refer to the inspector tooltips.

Bullet Info

The Bullet Info object allows setting physical information about the bullet fired by a weapon, which layers the bullet is able to hit, and a bullet specific Impact Handler object.

Create a new Bullet Info object under Assets/Create/Ballistics/Bullet Info.

For additional information about the Bullet Info object fields, please refer to the inspector tooltips.


Any questions or suggestions?