Ballistic Material

A Ballistic Material specifies how a projectile interacts with a collider.

Custom Ballistic Materials can be created by implementing the IBallisticMaterial interface, and associating them with a Physic Material at runtime, by adding them to the BallisticMaterialCache.

However, for must cases it will be sufficient to create a Ballistic Material scriptable object via Assets/Create/Ballistics/Ballistic Material. These will be associated with a Physic Material automatically.

public interface IBallisticMaterial
    MaterialImpact HandleImpact(in float3 velocity, BulletInfo info, in RaycastHit rayHit);
    float GetEnergyLossPerUnit();
    float GetSpreadAngle();
    IImpactHandler GetImpactHandler();

Combining Ballistic Materials with unity's Physic Materials has the advantage that unity directly provides the Physic Material of the hit collider from a raycast query, so no GetComponent call to something like a Ballistic Material Provider component on the object is required, which would come with a performance impact.

The main method of the IBallisticMaterial interface is HandleImpact. It provides all the available information about the impact, and the Ballistic Material decides how the projectile should continue, by returning a MaterialImpact struct.

public readonly struct MaterialImpact
    public enum Result
    public readonly Result ImpactResult;
    public readonly float SpreadAngle;
    public readonly float SpeedFactor;

The bullet can either be stopped right away, be reflected (ricochet), or penetrate (enter) the collider. The SpeedFactor is multiplied with the current bullet velocity to result in the new bullet velocity.

The SpreadAngle only applies to Ricochet bullets. When a bullet penetrates a collider, the spread is applied on the exit and is determined by the GetSpreadAngle method.

For additional information about the Ballistic Material object fields, please refer to the inspector tooltips.

Ballistic Material Browser

For an easy overview over all Ballistic Materials in your project, open the Window/Ballistics/Ballistic Material Browser editor window.