
In order to draw on a texture channel of a FFCanvas a set of extension methods for the FFCanvas are provided. There are currently two main approaches for drawing:

  • Decal projection: a decal, defined by a FFDecal, is projected on the surfaces. The projection is defined by a projection-view matrix, similar to a camera, that describes a projection volume or frustum in world-space (Matrix4x4.Perspective). To project a decal on a FFCanvas, call the ProjectDecal() extension method.

  • Brushes: a brush is a 3D shape in the scene (e.g. a sphere) and the parts of the surfaces' renderers intersecting this shape are painted. How exactly the texture is painted is defined using a FFBrush. To draw a brush on a FFCanvas, call the DrawSphere(), DrawDisc(), or DrawCapsule() extension methods.

For example code snippets on how these methods can be used, take a look at FluidFlow/Example/Scripts/DrawExamples.cs.